Jl. Vimala Hills, Gadog, Kec. Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
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Information about Villa Vimala Hills Puncak Apartment

Vimala Hills Villa: Your Luxurious Getaway in Gadog Puncak

Nestled in the serene embrace of Gadog Puncak, Vimala Hills Villa offers an idyllic retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. This exclusive villa promises an unforgettable experience with its blend of luxu..

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Review of experience staying at Apartment Villa Vimala Hills Puncak
Rating & Ulasan 5.00
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Common Questions About
Villa Vimala Hills Puncak Apartment
Travelio menyediakan banyak pilihan unit apartemen yang bisa customer pilih. Customer bisa memilih unit apartemennya yang kira-kira cocok, lalu klik tombol request showing agar customer bisa melihat terlebih dahulu unit yang akan dibeli. Lalu tim Travelio akan mendampingi customer dari cek unit langsung, proses negosiasi harga, proses akad, serah terima unit, hingga customer mendapatkan kunci.
PPJB adalah sebuah kesepakatan atau perjanjian yang mengikatkan penjual dengan pembeli
AJB atau Akta Jual Beli adalah dokumen perjanjian jual beli yang merupakan sebuah bukti otentik dari aktivitas jual beli serta peralihan hak dan kepemilikan.
Secara online, Travelio akan membantu customer dalam mencari dan memilih unit sesuai yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi. Selanjutnya, Travelio akan membantu dan mendampingi customer dalam proses request showing unit sampai serah terima kunci dengan pemilik unit.
SHM atau Sertifikat Hak Milik adalah sebuah dokumen yang sah secara hukum dan merupakan bukti kepemilikan apartemen yang wajib dimiliki oleh pemilik unit.
Fasilitas yang ada di
Villa Vimala Hills Puncak Apartment
24-Hour Security
Fitness Center
Flower Garden
Swimming Pool
  1. Ciawi Bus Terminal (10 km, approximately 20 minutes by car)

    • A major bus terminal providing routes to Jakarta and other cities in West Java.
  2. Bogor Train Station (20 km, approximately 40 minutes by car)

    • A commuter train station offering convenient access to Jakarta and surrounding areas.
  3. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (85 km, approximately 90 minutes by car)

    • The main international airport serving the Jakarta area, with domestic and international flights.
  • Taman Safari Indonesia

    • Distance: 10 km
    • Time: Approximately 20 minutes by car
    • Description: A popular wildlife park where you can drive through and see various animals in their natural habitat. It also features shows and a baby zoo.
  • Kebun Raya Cibodas (Cibodas Botanical Gardens)

    • Distance: 22 km
    • Time: Approximately 40 minutes by car
    • Description: A beautiful botanical garden with diverse plant collections, walking paths, and a lovely waterfall. It’s an ideal spot for a picnic and a leisurely stroll.
  • Taman Bunga Nusantara (Nusantara Flower Garden)

    • Distance: 30 km
    • Time: Approximately 50 minutes by car
    • Description: A stunning flower garden showcasing a variety of themed gardens, a maze, and beautiful landscapes perfect for photography and relaxation.
  • Gunung Mas Tea Plantation

    • Distance: 18 km
    • Time: Approximately 35 minutes by car
    • Description: Experience the vast tea plantations, take guided tours, and enjoy fresh tea while soaking in the scenic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Puncak Pass

    • Distance: 23 km
    • Time: Approximately 45 minutes by car
    • Description: A well-known highland pass offering breathtaking views of the valleys and tea plantations. It’s a perfect spot for sightseeing and enjoying the cool mountain air.
  • Curug Cilember (Cilember Waterfall)

    • Distance: 15 km
    • Time: Approximately 30 minutes by car
    • Description: A beautiful waterfall surrounded by lush greenery, ideal for nature lovers and those looking to enjoy a refreshing dip in natural pools.
  • Taman Wisata Matahari (Matahari Recreation Park)

    • Distance: 12 km
    • Time: Approximately 25 minutes by car
    • Description: A family-friendly amusement park offering a range of activities such as water rides, boat rides, and adventure sports, making it a perfect spot for a day of fun with children.
  • Agrowisata Gunung Mas

    • Distance: 20 km
    • Time: Approximately 40 minutes by car
    • Description: An agro-tourism site where visitors can tour tea plantations, enjoy horseback riding, and take part in tea processing activities.
  • Masjid Atta’awun

    • Distance: 21 km
    • Time: Approximately 40 minutes by car
    • Description: A picturesque mosque located in the Puncak area, known for its unique architecture and serene surroundings, offering a peaceful spot for prayer and reflection.
  • Cimory Riverside

    • Distance: 8 km
    • Time: Approximately 15 minutes by car
    • Description: A restaurant and dairy products shop by the riverside, known for its beautiful setting and delicious food. It’s a great place to relax and enjoy a meal with scenic views.