The use of building and parking facilities follows the applicable rules of each building / apartment building management and the provisions may change any time.
When you stay in this apartment, you will be given an extra comfort of stay because not only this apartment is easily accessible through Gate Toll Pasteur and travel shelter to Jakarta like Pasteur Trans and near Maranatha University as well as some shopping center in Bandung, this apartment unit gives a warm nuances with a dominated color of pastel and white.
This apartment consists of two bedrooms where each room facilitates with two beds. There is a king size bed while in the second bedroom there is a single size bed.
There are a TV, sink, and a dining table for four people in the living room, the perfect space for you and family or friends to gather. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, electric stove, electric kettle, microwave, and rice cooker complete with kitchenware.
Other facilities such as swimming pool, ATM, and charged laundry are available in this apartment. There are plenty of options for convenience stores and cafes, too.
Pleasant 2BR Apartment At Gateway Pasteur By Travelio is available to rent daily, weekly, and monthly
Husein Sastranegara Airport is just 26 minutes driving (6.9 km); Toll Gate Pasteur is just 8 minutes driving (2.5 km); Maranatha Christian University can be reached in 9 minutes driving (2.8 km); Pasteur Trans can also be reached for 20 minutes (5.2 km); Hermina Hospital is 22 minutes driving (5.4 km).
Bandung Trade Center can be reached driving for 23 minutes (5.8 km); Pasteur Hyper Point is just 11 minutes away driving (3.1 km); Istana Plaza is 19 minutes driving (5 km).
Other recreation places like Taman Jomblo can be reached 16 minutes driving (5.7 km); NuArt Sculpture is 9 minutes driving (2.3 km); and Bandung Zoo is just 18 minutes driving (6.6 km).
There are two bedrooms in this apartment. In the main bedroom, there is a king size bed while in the second bedroom there is a single size bed.
This apartment facilitates you with a TV, sink, and dining table for four people in the living room. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, electric stove, electric kettle, microwave, and rice cooker complete with dining and kitchenware. The bathroom is furnished with shower and water heater.
Other facilities available for this apartment are swimming pool, ATM, children playground and charged laundry. Convenience stores and cafes are also available.