Jl. Merdeka No.25-29, Babakan Ciamis, Sumur Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40117 - Property ID: C1E6E80DE
This unit offers a comfortable 2 bedrooms accommodation which is suitable for you to stay with your family. It is strategically located near Bandung Station. (See More)
room gallery
the room
the property
property type
Apartemen Tamansari La Grande
A (Tamansari La Grande)
property live date
13 Jan 2021
Cleaning Fee
Unit and linen will only be cleaned upon check out. Special request during your stay are available with additional cost.
Parking charges are the responsibility of guests, cost prediction starting from 5,000/hour.
unit facilities
Master Bedroom
Queen Bed (160x200)
Air Conditioner
Vanity Desk
Bed Config :
1 Queen Bed (160x200)
2nd Bedroom
Trundle Bed (Super Single Bed & Super Single Underbed)
Air Conditioner
Table Lamp
Vanity Desk
Bed Config :
1 Trundle Bed (Super Single Bed & Super Single Underbed)
Master Bathroom
Jet Shower
Water Heater
Exhaust Fan Ceiling Mounted
Living Room
Sofa 2 Seater
Iron Board
Air Conditioner
TV Cabinet
Dining Table
Dining Chair
Puff Chair
Electric Stove
Rice Cooker
Kettle (Siul)
Water Dispenser
Cooker Hood
Building Facilities
24-Hour Security
Access Card
Fitness Center
Jogging Track
Swimming Pool
additional info
Daily Deposit
Monthly Deposit
Yearly Deposit
Deposit Info
For daily bookings, deposit paid through bank transfer or virtual account, the deposit will be refunded about five working days after the bank data is confirmed. A notification will be sent to your email (make sure the contact details listed are valid and active). For monthly and yearly stay, in the event where utility cut off usage for the stay period is not available, your security deposit can only be refunded after Building Management has issued monthly water and electricity bill. The bill are usually issued on the 5th-10th day of the following month after your check out date and will be used to calculate your consumption during your stay at the Travelio unit. Travelio will need approximately 7 working days for detailed calculations after the the final bill is issued. For credit card payment, your bank will need 14 extra working days for your funds to be made available after Travelio has done the above.
Operasional Info
Cleaning Fee
Unit and linen will only be cleaned upon check out. Special request during your stay are available with additional cost.
Parking charges are the responsibility of guests, cost prediction starting from 5,000/hour.

The use of building and parking facilities follows the applicable rules of each building / apartment building management and the provisions may change any time.

reviews (32)
June 2024
May 2024
Tempatnya pas dengan Mall tengah kota, roomboy ramah, tempatnya nyaman
May 2024
Ga expect apartemennya sebersih ini dan ternyata cukup luas. ACnya dingin poll super nyaman. Kitchen setnya juga lengkap + alat makan sesuai jumlah tamu lengkap. Enak bisa masak” kalo laper tengah malem. Even ada microwave, termos, dan kulkas juga. Fasilitasnya bener” lengkap & ada balkon yang ngadep ke city view cantik banget. Lokasinya juga strategis ya, ga terlalu jauh dari stasiun bandung ... +More
April 2024
Unitnya bersih,stafnya ramah2
April 2024
Nice apartment
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
Terima kasih mas Misbach sudah membantu check in, respons cepat
October 2023
sudah baik
October 2023
September 2023
March 2023
Proses check in-out sangat mudah. Staff sangat helpful. Unit bersih dan nyaman.
June 2022
Rapih beraih bgus nyaman lah ramah baik pengelolannya
June 2022
Puas, properti bersih
June 2022
Bener bener dilayani dengan sepenuh hati, seneng banget
March 2022
Sangat Memuaskan dan menyenangkan
February 2022
Sesuai dengan gambar yang di aplikasi, jadi buat saya sebagai customer merasa puas walaupun nunggu tanpa ada yang bisa dihubungi
January 2022
Good service
November 2021
November 2021
Check in mudah, pelayanan ramah dan cepat sekalii... terimakasih mas leo sudah memberikan pelayanan yang sangat baik👍🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
October 2021
Sesuai ekpektasi 😍
October 2021
Unit sesuai ekspektasi, berada di tengah kota, mudah akses transportasi dan kuliner.
October 2021
Apartemen nya sudah oke, pelayanannya sangat ramah dan harganya sesuai..
October 2021
Bagus semua sesuai dengan ekspektasi dan fasilitas berfungsi dengan baik..
July 2021
Kamar nya bagus nyaman , hanya fasilitas disini tidak bisa digunakan karna lockdown
July 2021
Fasilitas lengkap sesuai gambar, rapih dan bersih juga. Thx!
June 2021
Seperti hotel
June 2021
Gabisa extend
May 2021
Puas banget klo ke bdg lagi pasti nginep disitu lagi
April 2021
Dapat unit yang super nyaman, bersih dan lokasi sangat strategis, staf PIC yang menangani kami Mas Berry jg sangat ramah dan selalu siap membantu setiap saat 7/24, terima kasih Travelio dan staff nya Mas Berry. Hanya saja untuk check in bulanan request untuk masukin barang2 lebih awal ga diijinin :(
March 2021
Lingkungan oke
March 2021
Ruangan nyaman dipusat kota
    Q&A - Discussion about this property
    M*** N** S****** 05 May 2024, 23:00
    kak bagi yg menginap 2 malam untuk biaya parkirnya ttp dikenakan 5rb/jam atau gmn ya?
    Travelio 06 May 2024, 09:27
    Selamat pagi Kak, salam hangat dari Travelio. untuk saat ini biaya parkir di apartemen tersebut adalah mobil 3.000 max 15.000 motor 2.000 max 7.500 apabila ada perubahan mengikuti kebijakan pihak building untuk unitnya masih tersedia, apabila berminat kami sarankan untuk segera melakukan pemesanan unitnya. Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Kakak dapat hubungi layanan Call Center kami melalui sambungan telepon di 021-39524523, atau melalui tombol “contact host” pada unit yang diinginkan, ya. Terima kasih.- in
    D*** F***** 14 Apr 2024, 19:00
    ohya apakah tersedia untuk tanggal 20 mei 2024? untuk 1 bulan kedepan?
    Travelio 14 Apr 2024, 19:02
    Selamat malam Kak, salam hangat dari Travelio. untuk unitnya masih tersedia, apabila berminat kami sarankan untuk segera melakukan pemesanan unitnya. Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Kakak dapat hubungi layanan Call Center kami melalui sambungan telepon di 021-39524523, atau melalui tombol “contact host” pada unit yang diinginkan, ya. Terima kasih.- in
    D*** F***** 14 Apr 2024, 18:57
    salam , mau menanyakan bbrp hal 1. Rencana untuk booked 1 bulan, untuk parking access nya dikenakan biaya lagi kira2 brp ya? 2. Untuk access card nya disediakan brp ? 3. Alat masak apa saja yang disediakan?
    Travelio 14 Apr 2024, 18:59
    Salam hangat dari Travelio, 1. Untuk biaya parkir, tamu akan bertanggung jawab atas biaya parkir yang dikenakan, perkiraan biaya parkir dimulai dari Rp 5.000/jam. Jika Kakak ingin memesan parkir bulanan atau lebih, Kakak dapat membuat member parkir langsung ke manajemen gedung, dan Travelio akan membantu memintakan surat kuasa dari pemilik. Biaya pembuatan member parkir akan menjadi tanggung jawab tamu/penyewa. 2. Untuk access card, terdapat 1 Access Card yang disediakan untuk unit tersebut. 3. Alat masak yang disediakan di unit tersebut antara lain: Electric Stove, Refrigerator, Rice Cooker, Kettle (Siul), Water Dispenser, Microwave, dan berbagai peralatan masak lainnya seperti spatula, panci, pisau dapur, dll. Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Kakak dapat hubungi layanan Call Center kami melalui sambungan telepon di 021-39524523, WhatsApp di +6285179939341, atau melalui opsi “talk to us” pada aplikasi kami untuk terhubung via chat ya, Kak! Terima kasih. - Customer Service Travelio

      rental information Pleasant and Homey 2BR Apartment at Tamansari La Grande By Travelio

      Pleasant and Homey 2BR Apartment at Tamansari La Grande By Travelio is located in Babakanciamis is the perfect choice for those of you who want to stay in fully-equipped facilities and have easy access to various places. This apartment building has supporting facilities such as, Access Card, Elevator, Fitness Center, Jogging Track and Swimming Pool that you may use during your stay here.

      This 2BR apartment unit has modern interior design. This unit consists of 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room and kitchen, which makes it perfect for a 4 person. Moreover, this unit also comes with supplementary facilities such as water heater that are able to be used during your stay in this unit. Each bedroom has Queen Bed (160x200) and Trundle Bed (Super Single Bed & Super Single Underbed) which covered in high-quality linen. This accommodation offers a fascinating city view.

      This apartment is easily accessible with both public and private transportations. If you’re using public transportation, the nearest train station is Bandung Station. This apartment can also be reached by driving from the nearest station for 6 minutes.

      Location Around Pleasant and Homey 2BR Apartment at Tamansari La Grande By Travelio

      Husein Sastranegara Airport can be accessed by 14 minutes driving (4.7 km); 6 minutes drive to Bandung Station (2.5 km); Pasteur Toll Gate is 14 minutes driving (6 km). Limijati Hospital can be accessed by 8 minutes walking (600 m); 6 minutes drive to Siliwangi Stadium (2.1 km); 8 minutes drive to Gedung Sate (2.7 km); 11 minutes drive to Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Unpad Dipati Ukur (3.6 km); GOR Pajajaran is 9 minutes driving (9.5 km).

      Recreation Around Pleasant and Homey 2BR Apartment at Tamansari La Grande By Travelio

      Bandung Indah Plaza which can be reached by 5 minutes walking (350 m); 12 minutes walking to Braga Citywalk (1 km); 8 minutes drive to Istana Plaza (3.0 km); Cihampelas Walk is 18 minutes driving away (4.6 km). Alun-alun Kota Bandung which can be reached by 13 minutes driving (2.0 km); 8 minutes drive to Asia Afrika Conference Museum (1.6 km); 11 minutes drive to Bandung Geological Museum (3.7 km); 12 minutes drive to Bandung Zoo (3.8 km); Trans Studio Bandung is 16 minutes driving (4.6 km).


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