Techno Regency, Jl. Kepuh, Padalarang, Kec. Padalarang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40553 - Property ID: E71F5B284
This comfortable accommodation with 2 bedrooms is suitable for up to 4 people to live in. Enjoy this accommodation now, only at Travelio! (See More)
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property type
Complex Name
Padalarang Techno Regency
Land Size
72 m2
Building Size
38 m2
Length x Width
6 x 12 m
1300 watt
Water Source
Electricity Installed
Water Installed
Unit ini memiliki daya listrik rendah (1300 kWh)
Air conditioners, electric stoves, microwaves, electric kettle, water heater or any device with high electrical power must be used interchangeably.
unit facilities
Balcony / Terrace
Dining Room
Family Room
Living Room
additional info
Daily Deposit
Monthly Deposit
Yearly Deposit
Deposit Info
For daily bookings, deposit paid through bank transfer or virtual account, the deposit will be refunded about five working days after the bank data is confirmed. A notification will be sent to your email (make sure the contact details listed are valid and active). For monthly and yearly stay, in the event where utility cut off usage for the stay period is not available, your security deposit can only be refunded after Building Management has issued monthly water and electricity bill. The bill are usually issued on the 5th-10th day of the following month after your check out date and will be used to calculate your consumption during your stay at the Travelio unit. Travelio will need approximately 7 working days for detailed calculations after the final bill is issued. For credit card payment, your bank will need 14 extra working days for your funds to be made available after Travelio has done the above.
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Q&A - Discussion about this property
N*** 09 Jun 2024, 17:55
bisa bulanan tdk ya?
Travelio 09 Jun 2024, 18:15
Salam hangat dari Travelio, Untuk pembayaran per bulan dapat menggunakan cicilan ya kak, untuk cicilan akan dikenakan bunga 15%. Untuk saat ini unit nya masih tersedia ya kak dengan minimal sewa 12 bulan, untuk unit rumah di wajibkan showing unit dahulu sebelum melakukan pemesanan ya kak. Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Kakak dapat hubungi layanan Call Center kami melalui sambungan telepon di 021-39524523, WhatsApp di +6285179939341, atau melalui opsi “talk to us” pada aplikasi kami untuk terhubung via chat ya, Kak! Terima kasih. AB

    rental information Unfurnished 2BR House at Techno Regency By Travelio Realty

    Travelio's services have spread to various cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Bekasi, and many more. If you are staying in a city Bandung, you can stay at an accommodation Unfurnished 2BR House at Techno Regency By Travelio Realty in Pajajaran area. In addition, the location of this apartment is also strategic and close to tourism centers. The accommodation also consists of 2 bedrooms and equipped with room facilities that can be used at any time. This unit can is available for monthly and yearly rent.

    Location Around Unfurnished 2BR House at Techno Regency By Travelio Realty

    Husein Sastranegara International Airport can be reached in 42 minutes (23.6 km); Padalarang Station can be reached in 20 minutes (6.6 km); Bandung Station can be reached in 43 minutes (23.5 km); Cahya Kawaluyan Hospital can be reached in 10 minutes (3.2 km); Padalarang Timur Toll Gate can be reached in 16 minutes (5.5 km).

    Recreation Around Unfurnished 2BR House at Techno Regency By Travelio Realty

    IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan can be reached in 8 minutes (2.1 km); Parahyangan Golf can be reached in 14 minutes (5.5 km); Situ Ciburuy can be reached in 15 minutes (4.7 km); Citatah Cliff 125 can be reached in 15 minutes (5.3 km); Stone Garden Citatah can be reached in 25 minutes (7.6 km)

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