Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.2, Jatimulyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141 - Property ID: JI2T3NAX
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Apartemen Soekarno Hatta Malang
property live date
26 Jun 2018
unit facilities
24-Hour Security
Access Card
Air Conditioner (AC)
Desk & Chair
Gas Stove
Swimming Pool
Private Kitchen
Water Heater
Outdoor Pool
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Q&A - Discussion about this property
E* H******** 18 Jul 2022, 16:41
hello I'm interested in this place but the price is expensive can you please make the price 2M I'll rent for 4 months or more
Travelio 18 Jul 2022, 16:41
Good Evening, Sir/Madam. Warm regards from Travelio. We can confirm the availability and information of the unit in advance. The price is non-negotiable, Mr. / Mrs. If you have any problems with bookings and payment, please kindly inform Us through our Live chat / whatsapp. For further questions, kindly contact our Customer Service at 021-80600904 (phone call), +6281324259797 (Whatsapp) or through our "Live Chat" feature in our application by selecting the " Talk To Us" menu. Thank you,
S***** S***** M G***** 06 May 2022, 10:53
apakah unit tersedia dan jika ingin melihat unit terlebih dahulu bagaimanakah? mohon info dan terima kasih
Travelio 06 May 2022, 11:00
Selamat Siang Bapak/Ibu, salam hangat dari Travelio. Perlu diketahui untuk unit berikut merupakan unit yang dikelola langsung oleh owner, dan terkait dengan pertanyaan berikut akan kami bantu cek terlebih dahulu. Nantinya kami akan berikan informasi kembali melalui live chat ataupun whatsapp dengan estimasi 1x24 jam. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mohon agar kiranya dapat hubungi layanan Call Center Travelio pada nomor telepon 021-80600904 (phone), +62 813 2425 9797 (whatsapp) atau melalui fitur “Live Chat” pada aplikasi Travelio dan memilih menu “Talk To Us” Senin - Minggu 07.00 - 00.00 WIB. Terima kasih.
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