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If you change or cancel your booking you will not get a refund or credit to use for a future stay. This policy will apply regardless of COVID-19, subject to any local consumer laws.
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This charge includes estimated amounts the travel service provider (i.e. hotel, car rental company) pays for their taxes, and/or taxes that we pay, to taxing authorities on your booking (including but not limited to sales, occupancy, and value added tax). This amount may also include any amounts charged to us for resort fees, cleaning fees, and other fees and/or a fee we, the hotel supplier and/or the site you booked on, retain as part of the compensation for our and/or their services, which varies based on factors such as location, the amount, and how you booked. For more details, please see the Terms and Conditions.
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Standard rate on our site. Provide by the property and based on your search, before all discount and points.
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This is a discount off the property's standard rate on our site, as provided by the property based on your search.
Berapa harga termurah sewa rumah kontrakan bulanan di Graha Bukit Raya 3?
Harga termurah sewa bulanan di Graha Bukit Raya 3 ialah IDR 1,450,000
Berapa harga termurah sewa rumah kontrakan bulanan tipe 2 Kamar di Graha Bukit Raya 3?
Harga termurah sewa bulanan untuk tipe 2 Kamar di Graha Bukit Raya 3 ialah IDR 1,450,000
Fasilitas yang ada di
Graha Bukit Raya 3
24-Hour Security
Husein Sastranegara International Airport can be reached by 39 minutes driving (13 km); Cibabat Cimahi Hospital can be reached by 18 minutes driving (5.5 km); Samsat Cimareme West Bandung can be reached by 8 minutes driving (2.5 km); Bandung City Government Office can be reached by 21 minutes driving (6.4 km); SMP Negeri 1 Ngamprah can be reached by 11 minutes driving (2.5 km); West Bandung Regent's Office can be reached in 13 minutes driving (4 km); West Bandung Health Office can be reached by 11 minutes driving (3 km); Padalarang Police Station can be reached in 23 minutes driving (5.8 km); Pasteur Toll Gate can be reached by 28 minutes driving (17.1 km).
Cimahi Square can be reached in 15 minutes driving (4.4 km); Lotte Wholesale can be reached by 18 minutes driving (5.4 km); Borma Padalarang Toserba can be reached in 19 minutes driving (4.9 km); Paris Van Java can be reached by 39 minutes driving (21 km); Cihampelas Walk can be reached by 43 minutes driving (21.9 km); 23 Paskal Shopping Center can be reached in 38 minutes driving (12.6 km).