Jl. Ciborete No.3, Mengger, Bandung Kidul, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40267
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Information about Buah Batu Park Apartment

Buah Batu Park Apartment is a modern residential complex located in the bustling Buah Batu area, Bandung. Situated at Jl. Ciborete No.3, Mengger, Bandung Kidul, Jawa Barat, this apartment was developed by PT. Menara Karsa Mandiri..

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Review of experience staying at Apartment Buah Batu Park
Rating & Ulasan 5.00
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Common Questions About
Buah Batu Park Apartment
Travelio menyediakan banyak pilihan unit apartemen yang bisa customer pilih. Customer bisa memilih unit apartemennya yang kira-kira cocok, lalu klik tombol request showing agar customer bisa melihat terlebih dahulu unit yang akan dibeli. Lalu tim Travelio akan mendampingi customer dari cek unit langsung, proses negosiasi harga, proses akad, serah terima unit, hingga customer mendapatkan kunci.
PPJB adalah sebuah kesepakatan atau perjanjian yang mengikatkan penjual dengan pembeli
AJB atau Akta Jual Beli adalah dokumen perjanjian jual beli yang merupakan sebuah bukti otentik dari aktivitas jual beli serta peralihan hak dan kepemilikan.
Secara online, Travelio akan membantu customer dalam mencari dan memilih unit sesuai yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi. Selanjutnya, Travelio akan membantu dan mendampingi customer dalam proses request showing unit sampai serah terima kunci dengan pemilik unit.
SHM atau Sertifikat Hak Milik adalah sebuah dokumen yang sah secara hukum dan merupakan bukti kepemilikan apartemen yang wajib dimiliki oleh pemilik unit.
Fasilitas yang ada di
Buah Batu Park Apartment
24-Hour Security
Laundry (Charge)
Tennis Court


Nearby Educational Institutions:

  • Telkom University
    • Distance: 1.1 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 5 minutes by car
    • Description: A leading technology and business university, perfect for students and faculty members residing nearby.

Nearby Healthcare Facilities:

  • Oetomo Hospital

    • Distance: 1.7 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A reliable hospital offering comprehensive medical services.
  • Mayapada Hospital Bandung (MHBD)

    • Distance: 2.5 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 8 minutes by car
    • Description: A modern hospital providing high-quality healthcare services with advanced facilities.

Shopping and Recreation:

  • Transmart Buah Batu XXI

    • Distance: 700 meters
    • Travel Time: About 2 minutes by car or 8 minutes on foot
    • Description: A shopping center with a cinema and various retail outlets, offering a great shopping and entertainment experience.
  • Panghegar Waterboom Bandung

    • Distance: 3.0 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 10 minutes by car
    • Description: A family-friendly water park, perfect for weekend relaxation and fun.
  • Metro Indah Mall

    • Distance: 5.9 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 15 minutes by car
    • Description: A shopping mall offering a variety of stores, dining options, and entertainment.

Culinary Recommendations:

  • Mie Gacoan Bojongsoang

    • Distance: 1.2 km
    • Travel Time: About 5 minutes by car
    • Description: A popular spot for enjoying spicy noodle dishes in a lively atmosphere.
  • RM. Rawon "Bik Ati 5"

    • Distance: 1.4 km
    • Travel Time: About 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A local restaurant famous for its rich and flavorful rawon, a traditional Indonesian beef soup.
  • Mie Kocok Pa Uloh Tea

    • Distance: 1.5 km
    • Travel Time: About 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A must-visit for lovers of the local delicacy, mie kocok, a savory beef noodle soup.

Public Transportation:

  • Cikudapateuh Train Station

    • Distance: 7.9 km
    • Travel Time: About 20 minutes by car
    • Description: A convenient train station for those commuting to other parts of Bandung and beyond.
  • Tegalluar High-Speed Train Station

    • Distance: 12.5 km
    • Travel Time: About 30 minutes by car
    • Description: The nearest station for the high-speed rail service, offering rapid connections to Jakarta and other cities.
  • Husein Sastranegara International Airport

    • Distance: 20.1 km
    • Travel Time: About 35 minutes by car
    • Description: The nearest airport, providing both domestic and international flights, ensuring easy travel for residents.

Nearby Educational Institutions:

  • Telkom University
    • Distance: 1.1 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 5 minutes by car
    • Description: A leading technology and business university, perfect for students and faculty members residing nearby.

Nearby Healthcare Facilities:

  • Oetomo Hospital

    • Distance: 1.7 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A reliable hospital offering comprehensive medical services.
  • Mayapada Hospital Bandung (MHBD)

    • Distance: 2.5 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 8 minutes by car
    • Description: A modern hospital providing high-quality healthcare services with advanced facilities.

Shopping and Recreation:

  • Transmart Buah Batu XXI

    • Distance: 700 meters
    • Travel Time: About 2 minutes by car or 8 minutes on foot
    • Description: A shopping center with a cinema and various retail outlets, offering a great shopping and entertainment experience.
  • Panghegar Waterboom Bandung

    • Distance: 3.0 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 10 minutes by car
    • Description: A family-friendly water park, perfect for weekend relaxation and fun.
  • Metro Indah Mall

    • Distance: 5.9 km
    • Travel Time: Approximately 15 minutes by car
    • Description: A shopping mall offering a variety of stores, dining options, and entertainment.

Culinary Recommendations:

  • Mie Gacoan Bojongsoang

    • Distance: 1.2 km
    • Travel Time: About 5 minutes by car
    • Description: A popular spot for enjoying spicy noodle dishes in a lively atmosphere.
  • RM. Rawon "Bik Ati 5"

    • Distance: 1.4 km
    • Travel Time: About 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A local restaurant famous for its rich and flavorful rawon, a traditional Indonesian beef soup.
  • Mie Kocok Pa Uloh Tea

    • Distance: 1.5 km
    • Travel Time: About 6 minutes by car
    • Description: A must-visit for lovers of the local delicacy, mie kocok, a savory beef noodle soup.

Public Transportation:

  • Cikudapateuh Train Station

    • Distance: 7.9 km
    • Travel Time: About 20 minutes by car
    • Description: A convenient train station for those commuting to other parts of Bandung and beyond.
  • Tegalluar High-Speed Train Station

    • Distance: 12.5 km
    • Travel Time: About 30 minutes by car
    • Description: The nearest station for the high-speed rail service, offering rapid connections to Jakarta and other cities.
  • Husein Sastranegara International Airport

    • Distance: 20.1 km
    • Travel Time: About 35 minutes by car
    • Description: The nearest airport, providing both domestic and international flights, ensuring easy travel for residents.