If you change or cancel your booking you will not get a refund or credit to use for a future stay. This policy will apply regardless of COVID-19, subject to any local consumer laws.
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This charge includes estimated amounts the travel service provider (i.e. hotel, car rental company) pays for their taxes, and/or taxes that we pay, to taxing authorities on your booking (including but not limited to sales, occupancy, and value added tax). This amount may also include any amounts charged to us for resort fees, cleaning fees, and other fees and/or a fee we, the hotel supplier and/or the site you booked on, retain as part of the compensation for our and/or their services, which varies based on factors such as location, the amount, and how you booked. For more details, please see the Terms and Conditions.
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Standart rate on our site. Provide by the property and based on your search, before all discount and points.
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This is a discount off the property's standard rate on our site, as provided by the property based on your search.
Suasanya nyaman, baru tau deket bgt sama punclut. Ga sampe 30menit sampe. waktu kita dateng lagi ada pemadaman pdam ya allah yg punya baik bangetttt boleh mandi pake air galon dan 1 org 1. Kan lumayan ya gw bawa 5org buat Nginep👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Q&A - Discussion about this property
F***** H****24 Nov 2021, 08:29
untuk tgl 27-28 tersedia? untuk 10 orang
Travelio24 Nov 2021, 08:49
Selamat Pagi Bapak/Ibu, salam hangat dari Travelio.
Untuk jumlah maximal tamu unit tersebut untuk 10 tamu. Untuk perihal ketesediaan unit harus kami tanyakan dahulu ke pihak Ownernya jika sudah ada kabar akan kami hubungi Bapak secepaynya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, mohon agar kiranya dapat hubungi layanan call center Travelio di nomor telepon 02180600904 (phone), +6281324259797 (whatsapp) atau melalui fitur “Live Chat” pada aplikasi Travelio dan memilih menu “Talk To Us” pada Senin - Minggu 07.00 - 00.00 WIB.
Terima kasih.
I**12 Nov 2021, 11:00
kamarnya ada berapa ya?
Travelio12 Nov 2021, 11:03
Selamat Pagi Bapak/Ibu, salam hangat dari Travelio.
Terkait dengan pertanyaan di atas kami akan cek terlebih dahulu ketersediaan dari unit tersebut. Kami akan berikan informasi kembali melalui live chat ataupun whatsapp, nantinya akan ada staff kami yang akan mengubungi Bapak / Ibu untuk konfirmasi tanggal pemesanan mohon di pastikan nomor Hp Bapak/Ibu selalu dalam keadaan aktif.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, mohon agar kiranya dapat hubungi layanan call center Travelio di nomor telepon 02180600904 (phone), +6281324259797 (whatsapp) atau melalui fitur “Live Chat” pada aplikasi Travelio dan memilih menu “Talk To Us” pada Senin - Minggu 07.00 - 00.00 WIB.
Terima kasih.
N*** F***** F****** K**********20 Dec 2019, 17:11
ukuran kolam renangnya berapa yah ?
Travelio20 Dec 2019, 17:24
Selamat sore Bapak/Ibu.
Salam hangat dari Travelio.
Kami informasikan untuk ukuran kolam renang cukup di gunakan 1 keluarga. Untuk info lebih lanjut atau jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, Anda bisa menghubungi Customer Service kami di (021) 80600904 atau melalui fitur "Live Chat" pada Aplikasi kami Travelio.com anda dapat memilih menu "Talk To Us" lalu pilih kategori pertanyaan yang di inginkan.
Terima kasih.
You have to login first to ask about this property
The unit availability and rates can change at anytime without notification. To avoid this issue when extending the unit, we recommend you reserve for long-term. Then choose ‘installment’ per month as the payment method.
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Our team will contact you later through email in 24 hours
Check-in time at Hazel House - 4 Bedroom With Private Pool are 14:30 to 23:30, You cannot check in outside these hours.
Please set your check-in time on our app 2 hours before arrival.
I Understand
Anda memiliki lebih dari 1 pesanan yang aktif ditanggal ini. Pilih pemesanan yang akan Anda perpanjang.
Currently you get 1x opportunity to extend the lease at the same price
The rental price for this unit has increased and the next extension will follow the adjusted rental price.