Enjoy a very memorable stay at Classic 3BR Unfurnished House at Asem Rowo By Travelio Realty which is strategically located in Jepara. Classic 3BR Unfurnished House at Asem Rowo By Travelio Realty has easy access to various areas around and can be reached by private vehicle and public transportation. This accommodation has 1 floors consisting of 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, living room and kitchen. Apart from that, this accommodation will fulfill your daily needs. This accommodation will make you and your family feel comfortable to stay. Classic 3BR Unfurnished House at Asem Rowo By Travelio Realty can be rented on a yearly basis.
Juanda International Airport can be accessed by driving within 43 minutes (20.3 km); 19 minutes drive from Surabaya Gubeng Railway Station (6.6 km); 11 minutes drive from Pasar Turi Railway Station (3 km); 17 minutes drive to Mitra Keluarga Hospital Surabaya (5.2 km); University of Airlangga is 21 minutes drriving (6.6 km)
WTC Surabaya can be reached by driving within 17 minutes (5.5 km); 17 minutes drive to Plaza Surabaya (5.4 km); 16 minutes drive to Grand City Mall (5 km), and Marvell City is 20 minutes drive away (6.7 km). Other recreation options are Surabaya Zoo can be accessed by 19 minutes driving (6.6 km); 17 minutes drive to Bungkul Park (5.9 km); 18 minutes drive to Taman Hiburan Rakyat (THR) (5.1 km); Monumen Kapal Selam is a 17-minute drive away (5.5 km)